11:17 pm バレンタインについて ある抜粋

The holiday itself is the second largest card-sending holiday as over 1 billion cards are sent worldwide. The history of the day dates back more than 500 years with the first recorded Valentine card being sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time.

Traditionally the day is reserved for “love birds” and those who are romantically interested in one another. However in the last 4-5 decades the day has transitioned into a more general day with Valentines cards, candy, and gifts being exchanged between parents and children, friends, and family.

The great thing about Valentines is that it is a day on the calendar when we are reminded to show our love and appreciation to the people around us. It is a very encouraging day and smiles can be seen everywhere.

Unfortunately on the calendar Valentine’s Day only comes once a year, but the spirit of it should come more often. Here is an idea - on the 14th of March, April, June, and throughout the year, give your children, spouse, or friend a Valentine surprise. Maybe some candy, a note or card, flowers, or even a singing telegram. When the person asks why, explain that the spirit of Valentine’s Day is too important to happen just once a year.


キーワードは"encouragement"と" appreciation "だなあ。わたしにとっても。昨日の日記でバレンタインの定義がわからない、と書いたけど、これで明確になった。




